Sunday, November 7, 2010

East Central High School -- Superintendent-Board relations.

Thank you Roland Toscano for setting up yet another great learning experience in our "traveling superintendency seminar" this semester. I thought we had seen everything where hospitality and service were concerned but the four course meal served by your culinary arts department was extraordinary. You described Mr. Gary Patterson as a role model and mentor for you in your career development. Following his presentation, his candor, and his generosity as a host superintendent, we all can see why. I will not go first on this blog. I invite each of you to provide a four inch response to this blog posting...longer is acceptable and probably called for....respond to something that Mr. Patterson said in very personal and intimate conversation about his career as superintendent and thoughts concerning relationships between superintendents and boards. Please include one paragraph comparing Mr. Patterson's views and experiences with the other two superintendents that we have spent time with this semester.


  1. The East Central ISD story is crazy. I do recall hearing a little bit about it on the news but back then I did not pay that much attention to those types of news stories.
    Mr. Gary Patterson is a good and rare example of a person who has strong beliefs and is will to stand up for them not matter what the cost to him personally, financial and emotionally were. I like that fact that he knew he was correct and was doing what was best for his staff and students. With his person knowledge of what needed to be done he dug his heals in and did not budge. I feel that many people would have taking the buyout they offered and ran. He turned down their offer and then turned it down again when they raised it.
    I found his candor refreshing in a time when people want to be political correct and try to spin everything. As I listened to him speak I could tell he was not proud of the districts past but he was willing to share his experiences with us in the hope that we could learn from his ordeal. I do not want to say I learned the most for this speaker, but I feel I picked up knowledge in a very valuable area.
    Please tell the cooking staff how great the food was again. I gave my wife the cheesecake and told her I made stop and bought it just for her. She did not by my lie and said to tell them it was great.

  2. I would say Mr. Patterson definitely put the “P” in Perseverance. What a great story, and just follows suit with the other superintendents of believing in what you are doing and willing to make the hard calls. What I admired most was Mr. Patterson’s reply to the question of why he stayed and endured all of that mess, and it was because of his admin team and teachers. I have had the opportunity to work for several superintendents as an administrator, and have been fortunate that the majority of these superintendents have backed me in some tough situations, knowing themselves that we are a mile wide and an inch thick with what our jobs entail. We have to make tough calls every day, and in many occasions we have to make those tough decisions in the spur of the moment and worry with the outfall later. Knowing you have that backing and support from your boss enables you to keep making those tough decisions without fear of reprisal, which can occur. A fellow administrator who was my mentor took disciplinary action against a student who happened to be the mayor’s child. The superintendent instructed my colleague to change his decision. He told the superintendent that he could reverse his disciplinary decision but he would not. Shortly after this my colleagues’ new title was the director of transportation and no longer the high school principal. Each of us as administrators have had to endure pressures from disciplining students, filing truancy charges on parents, CPS referrals and many other unpopular but necessary actions. What many people do not realize is that all of these actions in some form or another do take a toll on your family as your children have to deal with students who have been disciplined or comments from people who may not know that those are your children and overhear negative opinions about you. I greatly admire Mr. Patterson for the stand he took as I know it must have taken quite a toll on his family, and what that also says about his family to stand behind him like they did. To stand up for your people to the line is about the highest thing I believe you can do when you know it will ultimately cost you. To make that kind of sacrifice in this day and time is a very rare quality.

  3. First, thanks to Roland for being the consumate host at East Central High School. The campus is state-of-the-art and the meal was delicious!
    I appreciate Mr. Patterson taking time out of his well-deserved free time to visit with us. I'm not sure if he was encouraging us to continue down the path to superintendecy or warning us about the perils to come.
    His story at East Central ISD is extraordinary. The fact that he has persevered and overcome unbelievable obstacles to take East Central in a postive direction speaks to his professionalism and dedication.
    I'm sure that many a superintendent would have ridden off into the sunset with a nice severance package, but Mr. Patterson refused to abandon his troops, the admin and teachers who were also on the chopping block.
    Now that there has been a stable school board for the last seven years, things are looking up in East Central. Of course, like Mr. Patterson stressed, that could all change with the next election!

  4. There were many things I took away from Mr. Patterson's talk that will impact me professionally. I was very impressed with his integrity and the strong conviction he felt to stand up for what he thought was right and what was best for the community he served.
    As Scott said in his post, part of being a leader is making tough decisions and dealing with the possible fallout. As administrators, we do that on a daily basis. Sometimes we find ourselves in "battles" that we believe are worth fighting but sometimes we are stretching to find the strength within to do so. There are times when we are tempted to take the easy, nonconfrontational way out of situations.
    I was impressed when things were at its worse for Mr. Patterson, he stuck it out. He definitely was in a "David and Golliath" situation. He found enough courage and strength within to weather the storm while maintaining the respect and admiration of his colleagues and the community.
    One common thread that I have found in listening to the three superintendents is the need for a good support system. Mentors, colleagues, and most of all faith and family have helped them become successful superintendents.
    Thanks Roland for arranging a very meaningful class Saturday morning. :)

  5. So far, the four that posted noted Mr. Patterson's integrity and perseverence. As I questioned Mr. Patterson about that, he was firm in saying I did it for my people....administrators' whose jobs were on the line. He wants to be known as the "Superintendent who stayed when he did not have to stay." I was touched that he also felt that commitment to weather the storm for his kids...all four girls were able to attend East Central because their Dad stayed...when he didnt have to stay. Selflessness and honor probably supplant my earlier description "perseverence." We have a seen a superintendent who stayed when he did not have to stay, a superintendent who resigned so that she could finish out her term without the pressure of politics, and a superintendent who took charge and informed board members in no uncertain terms that she wouled have no part in their historic squabbles...she strategically managed the has indeed been a rich experience to hear from all of these individuals regarding how to run a school district while dealing with controversial boards. dh

  6. All previous posts are simply outstanding! Mr. Patterson is an exceptional human being and each of you were fortunate to hear and witness a glimpse of who I have worked with for the last 10yrs. Like Mr. Patterson, each of the other Superintendents have been willing to let their character speak for itself. I have been humbled and refreshed by having the opportunity to meet each of them and to hear them speak of their experiences with such candor. Without couragious leaders such as these, the future of public education in America is at risk. As personally challenging and risky as it might be, I now feel an even greater responsibility to serve our profession and our society in the role of Superintendent. "If not you, who...If not now, when..."

  7. Through thick and thin....Wow, what a leader Mr. Patterson must be. Average stay of a superintendent is 3 to 5 years in one district, however, Mr. Patterson decided he wasn't going to be one of those statistics. Mr. Patterson's dedication to his family, staff and students is outstanding. I find it hard to believe that most people would be able to keep it going during times like those. Mr. Patterson must have the respect of the community and the board and he certainly has East Central going in the right direction.
    I think all three superintendents we have had the priviledge of hearing speak this semester are unique in their own way. I think this goes back to what Dr. Herrington has been saying all semester, you have to find the fit that is best for you. If Mr. Patterson didn't feel so addiment about his vision at East Central, he probably would have left during the storm years ago. Mrs. McAnnelly and Dr. Garza have also weathered through storms, but both have found what fits their strengths as superintendents.

  8. This visit and experience was very valuable to me. Hearing Mr. Patterson's story reminded me of our own superintendent's situation. Fortunately for Mr. Patterson the outcome was positive, though nonetheless stressful. It seems to me that Mr. Patterson possesses honesty and integrity, with a situation he was able to use to demonstrate his caliber. As a result of that moment, he perservered the controversial time and split board in his district. How unfortunate that isn't the case for every superintendent presented with this kind of dilemma.

    I also benefitted from the information he shared with us about the current financial dilemma we are facing in our state. This information echoed what I had just learned in my district's meeting. I am able to continue using this information in the work we have ahead of us in making recommendations for necessary cost saving actions.

  9. Listening to Mr. Patterson speak reminded me of older pastors during a sermon. The sincerity, honesty, humility, and wisdom that was imparted was reminiscent of Sundays sermons as a child. Mr. Patterson's commitment to the community did not waiver in the face of adversity. I have heard other superintendents talk in general about bad school board/superintendent relations but Mr. Patterson described the conflict so vividly and was so transparent about his experiences that I felt as if I was at those school board meetings that dragged on so that everyone would leave. HIs character evidently won him the support of the community. Mr. Patterson did not back down from the school board and eventually the school board that wanted him gone was not re-elected. It amazes me that he managed to maintain family, sanity and his job through all the turmoil. Mr. Toscano I can only imagine how privileged you must feel to have a mentor as great as Mr. Patterson.

  10. Mr. Patterson is an extraordinary man with perseverance. I feel very fortunate to of had the opportunity to listen to Mr. Patterson speak. I feel that his speech was a very valuable one that shows what type of person it takes to do such a great job. I can see why Roland said that he is a great mentor and role model. It is very obvious that he has great passion and commitment to the district in what he does and the decisions that he has made. I like the fact that he was very open and honest with us and told us the good, the bad, and the ugly.
    It is obvious that it takes a certain individual to do this job, but through this experience I have learned that each superintendent is in the place that suites them best. Each of them also deal with many different issues according to the community that they are in, but each of them shared a very different perspective; one that was important to them. Mr. Patterson was very determined and shared his experience of perseverance; Dr. Garza shared her experience of making touch decisions, but ultimately resigning to take the politics out of it, and Mrs. McAnelly shared her experience with the board and how she was very open and kept nothing private.
