It was interesting that we were privileged to meet both Dr. Elizabeth Garza of Edgewood and Supt. Linda McAnelly of Devine. Thanks to Scott and Gloria for arranging these meetings. Each identified interesting areas of the superintendency.
Ms. McAnelly was very specific about balancing family and school -- one reason why she became a superintendent later in life. She reported the importance of taking care not to raise discussion with one board member but not another without sending blast emails of the information to all board members containing the same information. Her closest circle of friends knew not to ask her about school. These are some key things that came out in her leadership style as well as the unique challenges of being a woman in the superintendent's role. Also of a local superintendent who has no intention of moving on, and who loves her community deeply. I was impressed that she did not sweat the politics or her own future. She set boundaries with her board and held them accountable. Didn't you love the fact that there is a Shakespearean scholar at the helm of this district. Quite a fascinating look at the modern day school setting through the eyes of William Shakespeare.
Dr. Garza was quick to point out that she had made tough decisions early in her superintendency which resulted in political consequences that she has dealt with as a matter course. Her HR experience grounded her to know that she was safe to do some of the things that she had to do. Ironically, though there were few harms that came from her approach, there were political forces that made her pay for making the unpopular choices. Like Ms. McAnelly, a contemporary only miles away, I was impressed that she also did not sweat the politics nor her own future. She noted that superintendents are always looking two or three years down the road. Her experience as a teacher of young children greatly informed her own vision of what she wanted within her own district.
Thank you to both superintendents for insights regarding the modern day school, career paths to the superintendency, and challenges of working with the board while directing the vision of the school campus. Please add your own thoughts or observations. Each must be a unique perspective or thought that you had during these presentations.